The main aim of these sessions is to increase skills and confidence when it comes to cooking from scratch. The group aims to improve health by encouraging parents to cook healthy affordable meals from scratch reducing the reliance on ready-made convenience foods.
The programme runs over 6 weeks. The first week is an information-based session which includes a discussion on the eat well guide, food labels, sugar intakes, and looking at recipes to cook for the remainder of the programme. The five weeks then focus on improving cooking skills, following recipes, and using various herbs and spices to flavour food. The programme is a great way to improve your cooking skills, meet new people and most importantly to have fun!
Participants comments:
"I enjoyed having the opportunity to taste new foods and using different spices. This helped me a lot as I have just started weaning my little girl and have lots of new ides to try."
““Thanks so much, I have thoroughly enjoyed myself. It has made me realise that I can actually cook and I don’t need to rely on my partner to do it all the time.”
“Its been a great group. It has really boosted my confidence”
“I have enjoyed being able to take new recipes home to cook with the kids”